All Sets Undaunted 87 Kyogre & Groudon

Kyogre & Groudon [Legend Top] 87 / 90 Undaunted

LOW $38.62
FAIR $43.33
HIGH $48.04
Confidence: Medium
LOW $111.54
FAIR $133.83
HIGH $156.12
Confidence: Medium
LOW $93.07
FAIR $93.07
HIGH $93.07
Confidence: Medium
LOW $48.52
FAIR $48.52
HIGH $48.52
Confidence: Medium
LOW $7.99
FAIR $7.99
HIGH $7.99
Confidence: Medium
LOW $10.50
FAIR $10.50
HIGH $10.50
Confidence: Medium
Raw $43.33
PSA10 $133.83
PSA9 $93.07
PSA8 $48.52
PSA7 $7.99
PSA4 $10.50
Raw $43.33
PSA10 $133.83
PSA9 $93.07
PSA8 $48.52
PSA7 $7.99
PSA4 $10.50
Ungraded: Typical card from your collection PSA PSA Graded: Professionally evaluated

Population Information

Total Population 392
PSA 10 Ratio 4.34%
Grading Difficulty Extremely Difficult

Grade Population % of Total

Historical Data

Transaction History

Date Sold
Sold Price
Item ID
2024-09-29 Raw $40.00 Kyogre & Groudon Legend (Top) 87/90 Undaunted Holo superninfriendo 315796123257 ebay
2024-09-27 Raw $40.00 Kyogre & Groudon Legend (Top) 87/90 Undaunted Holo g4byyy 315790363095 ebay
2024-09-17 Raw $49.99 HeartGold & Soulsilver Undaunted Ultra Rare Kyogre & Groudon Legend (Top) #87 315723620276 ebay
2024-08-23 Raw $31.95 Kyogre & Groudon Legend TOP CARD 87/90 Ultra Rare HGSS Undaunted Pokemon used-tcg-inc 326166230779 ebay
2024-08-11 Raw $36.43 2010 Pokémon Kyogre & Groudon Legend TOP CARD 87/90 Undaunted Holo Ultra Rare MP empirevideogamez 196528585420 ebay
2024-08-03 Raw $30.00 Kyogre & Groudon Legend TOP CARD! 87/90 Ultra Rare HGSS Undaunted Pokemon MP! 315615850090 ebay
2024-07-26 Raw $38.95 Kyogre & Groudon Legend Top Card 87/90 Ultra Rare HGSS Undaunted Pokémon 🌟 goldtwo 226223851038 ebay
2024-07-06 Raw $47.68 Pokémon TCG Kyogre & Groudon Legend (Top) Undaunted 87/90 Near Mint/Mint 305472095742 ebay
2024-07-04 Raw $65.00 Pokémon Kyogre & Groudon Legend (Top) 87/90 UR Undaunted 145266611692 ebay
2024-07-01 Raw $35.00 Kyogre & Groudon Legend 87/90 (Top) Pokémon TCG 2010 mrcrazymalaka 285926543445 ebay
2024-06-29 Raw $34.99 Kyogre & Groudon Legend TOP CARD 87/90 Ultra Rare HGSS Undaunted Pokemon used-tcg-inc 326166233078 ebay
2024-06-29 Raw $39.99 2010 Pokémon Kyogre & Groudon Legend TOP CARD 87/90 Undaunted Holo Ultra Rare kake09-2009 395502853801 ebay
2024-06-26 Raw $30.00 Kyogre & Groudon Legend 87/90 (Top) Pokémon TCG 2010 395496398539 ebay
2024-06-09 Raw $45.99 Pokemon Card - Kyogre & Groudon Legend 87/90 (Top) theflipshop_sales 296441014920 ebay
2024-06-02 Raw $76.00 Pokemon Card - Kyogre & Groudon Legend 87/90 (Top) ounclemac_v2 387034703166 ebay

Card Details

water Water
fighting Fighting
lightning ×2
grass ×2
colorless ×3
Release Date
Shinji Higuchi + Sachiko Eba

Card Rules

Put this card from your hand onto your Bench only with the other half of Kyogre & Groudon LEGEND.

When this Pokémon has been Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards.

Mega Tidal Wave : water water colorless colorless

Discard the top 5 cards from your opponent's deck. This attack does 30 damage times the number of Energy cards you discarded to each of your opponent's Benched Pokémon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.)

Massive Eruption : 100× fighting fighting colorless colorless

Discard the top 5 cards from your deck. This attack does 100 damage times the number of Energy cards you discarded.