All Sets Unleashed 90 Entei & Raikou

Entei & Raikou [Legend Top] 90 / 95 Unleashed

LOW $17.13
FAIR $63.31
HIGH $109.49
Confidence: Medium
LOW $500.00
FAIR $500.00
HIGH $500.00
Confidence: Medium
LOW $52.22
FAIR $52.22
HIGH $52.22
Confidence: Medium
LOW $22.50
FAIR $22.50
HIGH $22.50
Confidence: Medium
LOW $60.00
FAIR $69.99
HIGH $79.98
Confidence: Medium
LOW $17.99
FAIR $17.99
HIGH $17.99
Confidence: Medium
LOW $10.50
FAIR $10.50
HIGH $10.50
Confidence: Medium
Raw $63.31
PSA10 $500.00
PSA9 $52.22
PSA8 $22.50
PSA7 $69.99
PSA6 $17.99
PSA4 $10.50
Raw $63.31
PSA10 $500.00
PSA9 $52.22
PSA8 $22.50
PSA7 $69.99
PSA6 $17.99
PSA4 $10.50
Ungraded: Typical card from your collection PSA PSA Graded: Professionally evaluated

Population Information

Total Population 371
PSA 10 Ratio 8.89%
Grading Difficulty Extremely Difficult

Grade Population % of Total

Historical Data

Transaction History

Date Sold
Sold Price
Item ID
2024-08-26 Raw $30.00 Pokémon TCG Entei and Raikou LEGEND (Top) Unleashed 90/95 Holo Holo Rare camh2337 235713691627 ebay
2024-08-23 Raw $49.99 Pokemon Card - Entei & Raikou Legend (top) - Unleashed 90/95 HOLO Ultra Rare LP ghostyyccg 266919952769 ebay
2024-08-20 Raw $29.95 Pokémon TCG Entei and Raikou LEGEND (Top) Unleashed 90/95 Holo Holo Rare LP jmetoysandgames 365073776087 ebay
2024-08-09 Raw $19.95 2010 Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Entei & Raikou Legend 90/95 Top Half HP jekk_cards 166833938724 ebay
2024-08-03 Raw $103.70 Holo Ultra Rare Entei and Raikou Legend Set 90-91/95 English Unleashed Pokemon kahu_1820 375571444302 ebay
2024-08-02 Raw $146.29 Holo Ultra Rare Entei and Raikou Legend Set 90-91/95 English Unleashed Pokemon kahu_1820 375478544230 ebay
2024-07-26 Raw $65.00 Holo Ultra Rare Entei and Raikou Legend Set 90-91/95 English Unleashed Pokemon kweiss9999 186549936911 ebay
2024-07-18 Raw $99.95 Entei & Raikou Legend Set - 90 & 91/95 - Unleashed - Top & Bottom Pokémon tolivers07 126574815912 ebay
2024-07-05 Raw $41.99 Entei & Raikou Legend Top Half 90/95 Holo Ultra Rare - Pokémon TCG - LP 226076390054 ebay
2024-07-03 Raw $23.50 Entei & Raikou Legend Top Half 90/95 Holo Ultra Rare 395496390014 ebay
2024-07-03 Raw $24.99 Entei & Raikou Legend Top Half 90/95 Holo Ultra Rare 355811709196 ebay
2024-06-29 Raw $29.99 Entei & Raikou Legend TOP Card 90/95 Ultra Rare HGSS Unleashed Pokemon used-tcg-inc 326166237920 ebay
2024-06-28 Raw $26.00 Pokémon TCG Entei & Raikou Legend TOP ONLY Half 90/95 Holo Ultra Rare LP 🔥 kantokardsx13 226206469220 ebay
2024-06-24 Raw $45.05 2010 HS Unleashed Entei & Raikou LEGEND #90 collect_edition_montreal 355701179616 ebay
2024-06-24 Raw $34.95 Pokemon Card - Entei & Raikou Legend (top) - Unleashed 90/95 HOLO Ultra Rare MP 296472770203 ebay

Card Details

fire Fire
lightning Lightning
water ×2
Release Date
Shinji Higuchi + Sachiko Eba

Card Rules

Put this card from your hand onto your Bench only with the other half of Entei & Raikou LEGEND.

When this Pokémon has been Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards.

Detonation Spin : 90 fire colorless

Discard a Fire Energy attached to Entei & Raikou LEGEND.

Thunder Fall : lightning colorless

Discard all Energy attached to Entei & Raikou LEGEND. This attack does 80 damage to each Pokémon that has any Poké-Powers (both yours and your opponent's). This attack's damage isn't affected by Weakness or Resistance.